Lazy loading is a powerful feature in Java Persistence API (JPA) that allows the deferment of loading entity relationships until they are actually needed. While this can significantly improve performance and reduce memory footprint, it often leads to a common problem known as LazyInitializationException
. This exception typically occurs when you try to access a lazily loaded association outside of the original Hibernate session or transaction.
In this blog, we'll explore what causes LazyInitializationException
, and discuss various strategies to handle or avoid it with practical examples.
Understanding LazyInitializationException
Before diving into the solutions, let's understand why
happens. In JPA, relationships between entities can be fetched either eagerly or lazily:Eager fetching: The related entities are loaded immediately with the parent entity.
Lazy fetching: The related entities are loaded on demand, when they are accessed for the first time.
A LazyInitializationException
occurs when a lazy-loaded entity is accessed after the session that retrieved the parent entity has been closed. This typically happens in the context of detached entities in a service layer.
Solutions to Handle Lazy Loading Exceptions
Open Session in View Pattern
Explicit Fetching using JPQL or Criteria API
DTO Projections
Entity Graphs
Let's explore each of these solutions in detail.
1. Open Session in View Pattern
The Open Session in View pattern keeps the Hibernate session open during the rendering of the view, ensuring that lazy-loaded properties can be fetched even after the initial transaction.
import org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter;
public class OpenSessionInViewFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
Session session = null;
try {
session = sessionFactory.openSession();
TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(sessionFactory, new SessionHolder(session));
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (session.getTransaction() != null) {
throw new ServletException(ex);
} finally {
Note: This approach can lead to performance issues and is generally discouraged in modern applications.
2. Explicit Fetching using JPQL or Criteria API
Instead of relying on lazy loading, you can explicitly fetch the needed associations using JPQL or Criteria API queries.
public List<Order> findOrdersWithItems(Long customerId) {
String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN FETCH o.items WHERE = :customerId";
return entityManager.createQuery(jpql, Order.class)
.setParameter("customerId", customerId)
This query ensures that the items
collection of each Order
is fetched along with the Order
3. DTO Projections
Using Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) can help avoid LazyInitializationException
by fetching only the required data in a single query, often improving performance as well.
public List<OrderDTO> findOrderDTOs(Long customerId) {
String jpql = "SELECT new com.example.OrderDTO(, o.orderDate,, i.price) " +
"FROM Order o JOIN o.items i WHERE = :customerId";
return entityManager.createQuery(jpql, OrderDTO.class)
.setParameter("customerId", customerId)
Here, OrderDTO
is a simple Java class with a constructor that matches the selected fields.
4. Entity Graphs
Entity Graphs allow you to specify which associations should be fetched eagerly in a specific query without changing the default fetch type in the entity mappings.
name = "order.items",
attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("items")
public class Order {
// entity fields and methods
// Usage in repository
@EntityGraph(value = "order.items")
List<Order> findAll();
By defining and using an entity graph, you can fetch the items
association along with the Order
5. Using @Transactional
Placing your data retrieval code inside a method annotated with @Transactional
ensures that the session is kept open for the duration of the transaction.
public class OrderService {
private OrderRepository orderRepository;
public Order getOrderWithItems(Long orderId) {
Order order = orderRepository.findById(orderId).orElseThrow();
order.getItems().size(); // force initialization of lazy-loaded collection
return order;
Here, the transaction is managed by Spring, ensuring that the session is open when accessing the lazy-loaded collection.
Handling LazyInitializationException
requires a good understanding of JPA's fetching strategies and careful design of your data access layer. Each solution has its own trade-offs:
Open Session in View Pattern: Simple but can lead to performance issues.
Explicit Fetching: Provides fine-grained control over fetching but can result in complex queries.
DTO Projections: Optimizes performance by fetching only necessary data but requires extra mapping.
Entity Graphs: Flexible and powerful, allowing dynamic fetch plans.
Transactional Methods: Ensures session availability but can sometimes lead to larger transactions.